Welcome to an entire new series where’in ll try to upload all our different play activities that we carried out at as a part of our Home Schooling journey. The topics are curated as a 10 month Curriculum. You can download them for free as Monthly Curriculum for Preschoolers from the free printable section in the website.
Listing the activities below,
Dinosaur Learning pack by
- MontessoriNature
- papaslon.shop
Abacus Kit
Maths Starter kit
DiY Spindle Box
Dino Sudoku puzzle
Dino Foam puzzle
DiY Dino bones puzzle
3-4 word Learning Kit
Phonic kit
Wooden alpha blocks
DiY Capital/small letter matching
Frozen Dino eggs
Stereognosis bag
Fine Motor-
Pin poking work – Dinos outline
Arabi alphabet lacing
Dino Life Cycle Activities
Herbivore/ Carnivore Dinos
Montessori DiY Sound Boxes
Sound game
Arts –
Qtip Dino drawing

Most of our activities can be easily DIY’d, and you can find detailed description below & you can also find respective toys & books in Our Amazon Storefront.
If you are a YouTube Person we got you covered, Here is a Video Shelf Tour of our Dino Theme Activities,
Dino DiY Puzzle

A simple DiY with cardboard & few bones outline – we worked as
⦁ a puzzle addressing cognition,
⦁ we measured the bones, a maths activity, & laid bones from short to tall & vice versa and so on,
⦁ we named the various bones of body & tried to learn those name & function of them.
⦁ trying to compare the skeletons of various dinos.
Both the foam puzzle (shop bought) & these were the most worked upon tray for the week!
Dino Pin Poking fine motor activity

Every time I post a story of Ahyan writing, my DM’s start flooding, of all the possible questions! I would like to just say this repeatedly, writing doesn’t happen over night, it’s a process, it’s a journey, a long one.
We started with lot of prewriting activities & games to fine tune our grasps & now finally we can see the results.
One such activity is the Pin Poking work, which you would find in a Montessori classroom, it’s a very low prep set up at home too with just a thick board/ wooden slate/ and few pins to go on with. All you need are few printouts of shapes, lines etc whatever the child is interested in to get start going & model them to pin poke.
Believe me when I say they love the work , and can spend ample time doing this. In our Dino unit studies we used printouts of the Dinos, & Ahyan traced the outlines via pin poking & we later cut them & colored , painted a few.
Skills :
Fine motor
Pincer grasp
Q tip Dino Bones Reconstruction

Another extension of our bones activity, this is another simple set up, requiring following,
Q tips- broken down to different sizes
Black chart paper
White crayons
We used Dino printouts from the unit bundles to cut & make the silhouette skeleton on black chart paper.
Also used the cut Q tips as an alternative to the printouts to form the framework skeleton of Dino.
Both the activities were super hit, needless to say they enjoy cut paste work & this was super fun to try out.
We talked various bones, physiology, long forgotten Dinos stories & what not. Overall a great experience to build on language, fine motor , & concentration to work & complete the task!
We had a huge collection of Books to go through & would make a post & resources of them sometime,

Do Follow us on our other Social Media Handles to follow along our Curriculum, & stay updated of all the activities that we try along,
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Much Love,